Matedex closure on 1st of November 2024.

Sales conditions

In order to reduce the impact of administrative costs on the final price of our supplies, we have set a minimum amount of 35 € per order. If you fail to do so, your invoice will be increased by 15€.

In order to avoid this surcharge if the minimum amount is not reached, we propose :

  1. or to increase the number of parts ordered or to add other items;
  2. or to put your order on hold and process it globally with a next order.
  3. or contact a dealer of your choice.

The customer, by the mere fact of placing an order, acknowledges knowing the present general conditions and accepting them.
The present general conditions prevail over all clauses, conditions of purchase (general or particular), as well as over any indication included on documents emanating from the purchaser, regardless of the time when they were sent or brought to our attention.

Article 2 - OFFERS, ORDERS.

Offers are subject to revision in the event of an increase in the cost of raw materials, a change in exchange rates, or any other circumstance beyond the Company's control.
All orders placed with Matedex are firm and final for the customer upon receipt by Matedex of a purchase order or any other medium indicating an order.
Matedex will make every reasonable effort to fulfill the order within the agreed upon time frame.
The unavailability of a product due to a stock shortage or the delay of a service will not lead to the cancellation of the overall order and will not give right to any compensation from Matedex.
Deliveries and services are considered accepted and validly executed in the absence of dispute by the client within five (5) working days of delivery or service.

Article 3 : PRICES

Any new price change shall render the previously notified price null and void.
Discounts granted to the customer apply exclusively to the order for which they were granted. They do not in any way give the customer the right to similar discounts for subsequent orders, even if they are granted repeatedly.
If, between the date of the order and the date of delivery, increases or surcharges are applied to the prices of the goods received by us from our suppliers or if public measures are enacted which cannot be regarded as normal business risks, we shall be entitled to pass on the resulting increases in the price of the current orders.


The Client will be bound to Matedex by an obligation of collaboration to allow the effective supply of products and services.
In particular, the Client will communicate to Matedex under its responsibility all documents, authorizations and information that Matedex will have indicated as necessary for the execution of its mission.
He will put Matedex in contact with all the persons concerned to fulfill the purpose of his mission and will designate a single contact person for coordination.
The client will provide Matedex with all the equipment necessary to carry out its mission.
The present general conditions prevail over all clauses, conditions of purchase (general or particular), as well as over any indication included on documents emanating from the buyer, whatever the moment when they were sent or brought to our attention.


The delivery times indicated by us or by the customer are always indicative.


Delivery is presumed to have been made :

  1. on receipt of the goods if they have been collected by or on behalf of the customer;
  2. when the goods are handed over to the carrier;

The goods are at the customer's risk from the moment of delivery. The transport risk is borne by the customer, who must make any reservations with the carrier.
Unless otherwise agreed, transport is always at the customer's risk and expense.
We always have the right to execute an order partially, without this authorising the customer not to pay us for the goods already delivered.


We do not accept any liability if, as a result of force majeure or other circumstances affecting the normal course of business - e.g. failure to deliver by our suppliers, lack of manpower or lockout of staff - we are unable to fulfil the contract in full or in part, temporarily or permanently, irrespective of whether the circumstances in question were foreseeable or not.

Article 8 - COMPLAINTS

Complaints must, under penalty of inadmissibility, be sent to us in writing within five days of delivery, and in any case before any use.
Complaints concerning defects that are not apparent at the time of delivery must, on pain of inadmissibility, be sent to us in writing within 5 (five) days of their discovery, or of the time when they should have been established.
If the complaints prove to be admissible and well-founded, our obligation is limited to the replacement of the damaged or defective goods, if necessary to the delivery of the missing parts, to the exclusion of any compensation of any nature whatsoever.
Complaints, even if they are subsequently proven to be justified, do not entitle the customer to suspend payment of due invoices, either partially or completely, on his own initiative.
Furthermore, the customer expressly waives his right to set off any claims he may have against us.

Article 9 - PAYMENTS

Unless otherwise agreed, our invoices are payable by bank transfer, net without discount at our head office in Braine-l'Alleud.


In the event of non-payment on the due date, the amount due shall be increased by operation of law and without notice of default.

  1. 15 % for the part up to € 2.500,-.
  2. 10 % for the part exceeding € 2,501.00 and up to € 12,500.00.
  3. 2,5 % for the part exceeding € 12.501,-

with a minimum of € 125,-, as a fixed compensation for our extra-judicial collection costs; as well as an interest on arrears of 12 % per year.
Failure to pay, even partially, an invoice or bill of exchange on the due date shall result in :

  1. all other outstanding debts, including bills of exchange not yet due, shall become immediately due and payable;
  2. all discounts and payment facilities granted by us shall lapse;
  3. we shall be entitled to immediately consider the contract as cancelled by operation of law and without judicial intervention.

If the customer does not meet one or more of his obligations, if he is declared bankrupt, if he applies for a judicial or amicable settlement or a suspension of payments, if he is placed in liquidation, or if his assets are fully or partially seized, we reserve the right to consider the contract - whether or not it has been partially fulfilled - to be automatically terminated to the detriment of the customer for the part not yet paid, and this by the mere occurrence of one of the above-mentioned events.
In any case, the sales contract shall be deemed to have been dissolved by operation of law on the date on which we send the customer a registered letter to this effect, and we shall be entitled to demand the return of the goods already delivered but not yet paid for.
If we make use of the right of rescission conferred by these general terms and conditions, as well as in the event of judicial rescission to the detriment of the customer, the latter shall owe us a fixed and irreducible indemnity equal to 30% of the invoice amount.


All goods delivered to the customer remain our exclusive property until full payment has been made and all obligations arising from the purchase agreement have been fulfilled.
The customer must notify us immediately of any attachments or other claims by third parties to the goods which are still our property.

Article 12 - DISPUTES

All disputes to which our sales contracts could give rise are subject to Belgian law. The courts of Nivelles are the only ones competent for any dispute between parties; the fact of drawing a draft on the buyer does not derogate from this election of competence.

Article 13 - LANGUAGE

Only the General Terms and Conditions of Sale written in French are decisive for any interpretation of the formulations used. Translations into Dutch or any other language are made by the seller only so that the buyer can understand these conditions.