Tuesday 18 February 2025
Grid style slot design allows simple yet effective storage of PC boards up to 2mm thick.
4 x adjustable wall 350x1.000mm
Gear adjustable
Suitable for transportation of PCBs.
Screw-clamped width setting.
Storage rack provided for up to 79 guides,
The MINILABRACK system makes it possible to increase the depth of the basket by assembling the elements between them by simply clipping.
Printed circuit boards can not only be loaded vertically but also horizontally.
PCB Magazines Series for automated assembly lines.
PCB RACK (in L or flat) black conductive plastic, designed for vertical storage of electronic cards on the workstation.
Moulded from a static dissipative thermoplastic compound based on polypropylene copolymer with carbon black and reinforced with mica flake.
Moulded from a carbon black-filled polypropylene compound.
LABESERT racks are suitable for automatic PCB insertion machines.
PCB Holder, Flat